Video: Watch Nate Diaz Get Revenge on Justin Bieber in EA UFC 2

Videos like this are why the internet was created. The history books may tell you that the military originally invented the internet, or Bill Gates or some shit. Don’t listen to them. Subconsciously we knew what we were doing: creating a cat-sharing, fight-viewing, shit-talking super machine.

If Chappelle Show was still around, Justin Bieber would be in a new installment of “When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong”. He toasted to Conor McGregor, insulted Nate Diaz’s style and then Diaz came back with a Stockton Slap in the form of a meme.

Luckily, MMA Game gets us one step closer to actually seeing this happen in real life. These guys simulated a Bieber Beatdown courtesy of the 209 in EA UFC 2. Check out the full fight below complete with real audio soundbites.

…Payback is a bitch, Bieber.

Published on March 14, 2016 at 1:15 am
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