Michel Pereira Loses Bout After Late Foul Against Diego Sanchez
UFC Fight Night 167 MMA event is happening TONIGHT (Sat., Feb. 15, 2020)from inside Santa Ana Star Center in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.
In a co-headlining act, Diego Sanchez and Michel Pereira are clashing in a welterweight bout.
Sanchez opens the fight with a cartwheel kick, absorbs a knee against the fence after standing. Pereira in return fires a front kick. Sanchez hurled a right hook in combination. Again a low kick from Sanchez. Pereira landed a good body kick.
Pereira misses with a Showtime kick. A flying knee, but Sanchez looked fine. Inside leg kick from Sanchez. Pereira is in the center while Sanchez is circling on the fence. Pereira lands body shot. Pereira wheels kick but missed. Two knees landed to body for Pereira then another knee and elbow on top. Head kick attempt but Sanchez missed another somersault kick. Sanchez sprints after Pereira with right but comes up short.
By round 2, Sanchez hurled a body shot and low kicks. Then Body kick. Pereira appears fine in return, landed strikes, and denies takedown. About a minute passed. Spinning back kick got missed. He tried for body shot. Missed knee. Sanchez hurled body kick . Pereira fires a right cross then lead left hook. Sanchez threw some fire. Pereira landed a Superman punch off the cage then flying knee but Sanchez absorbs it. Sanchez tries a kick but misses. Pereira rear waist lock and suplexes before round ends.
In the last round, Sanchez lands a low kick while Pereira just dances around. A snap kick on face from Pereira. Pereira with a takedown and does a backflip. It seems flying knees hurt Sanchez that sends him to the canvas however, the fight doesn’t end here. Another flying kick from Pereira. Check hook wobbled Sanchez. Nightmare eats left hook to the liver that breaks him. This made Pereira to land some hard knees. Another blow after Sanchez falls to mat. Sanchez says he can’t sees out of his left eye. It’s a DQ.
Check the highlights below:
Powerful takedown for @UfcPereira! #UFCRioRancho pic.twitter.com/4A0lzyvuq4
— UFC (@ufc) February 16, 2020
.@DiegoSanchezUFC wins via DQ #UFCRioRancho pic.twitter.com/Z3S6qwXfYX
— UFC (@ufc) February 16, 2020
Diego Sanchez defeated Michel Pereira via DQ (illegal knee), 3:09 of round 3