The UFC is back in action at the UFC’s Apex Center in Las Vegas Nevada. Up next, Ovince Saint Preux and Alonzo Menifield face off in a light-heavyweight showdown in the co-main event of the evening.
Round 1
Menifield forces a clinch immediately and attempts a takedown. Saint Preux breaks free and maintains the distance with a few front kicks. Saint Preux lands a straight left hand but Menifield retaliates. Menifield pushes Saint Preux against the fence and initiates the clinch. Big body kick lands for Saint Preux. Saint Preux swings and misses with the right hand. Saint Preux blitzes and lands a right hand, he follows it up with a counter right hook. Saint Preux lands two leg kicks and keeps Menifield at bay. Front Kick lands for Saint Preux, he follows Menifield around but misses with a right hand. Menifield lands to the body and a nice left hook as the round ends.
10-9 Saint Preux
Round 2
Saint Preux lands a body kick but eats a right hook in the process. An inside leg kick lands for Saint Preux. Menifield circles around the cage and tries to set up feints. Saint Preux stalks Menifield around the cage and lands a front kick. Saint Preux kicks firing the left kick and looks in control of the fight. Saint Preux keeps landing front body kicks and Menifiels keeps circling. Menifield lands aright hand. He rushes onto Saint Preux but gets caught with a big counter left hook and HE’S OUT!!!!
Official Results: Ovince Saint Preux defeats Alonzo Menifield by way of Knockout at 4m07s of the second round. He now has the most finishes in UFC light-heavyweight history.