The last fight remaining on in Vegas is the one we’ve all been waiting for. Stipe Miocic (19-3) puts his belt on the line against Daniel Cormier (22-2-1NC). This trilogy could determine who’s the greatest heavyweight fighter of all time.
Round 1
The fighters touch gloves and here we go! Miocic moves around the octagon and feints to keep Cormier at range. Jab lands for Miocic. Cormier misses with a low kick and he eats one fro Miocic. Miocic lands a body blow. Cormier gets Miocic down but he gets back up. Cormier keeps him in a headlock and lands a knee. Miocic breaks free. Teep kick lands For Miocic. Right hand land for the champion followed by a right hand to the body. Cormier lands a claf kick and a jab. Miocic lands to the body and Cormier responds with a right hand. Cormier pokes Miocic in the eye and Marc Goddard interrupts the fight for a while. The doctoc cheks Miocic’s eye for a while. Low kick cheked by Miocic who then lands a low kick of his own. Right hand lands for Miocic and another one. Uppeur cut lands for Cormier twice after the clinch. Big right hand lands for Cormier as the round ends.
10-9 Miocic
Round 2
Miocic opens up with a front kick to the body. Body kick lands for Miocic. Right uppercut lands for Miocic. Cormier lands an uppercut after the clinch again. Micoci lands to the body and evades a punch from Cormier. Low kick lands for Miocic. Miocic lands another hook to the body. Jab lands for Cormier but Miocic retaliates. Miocic lands to the body followed by a big left hook. Cormier lands another Jab. Another jab from Cormier. Nice low kick from Cormier. Big right hand lands for Miocic, he drops Cormier who holds him as the round ends.
10-9 Miocic
Round 3
Miocic stalks Cormier at the start of the round. high kick glazes Cormier’s face. Big right hand lands for Miocic. Another right hand lands for Miocic after two body shots. Miocic pushes Cormier to the fence and works in the clinch. Cormier lands a low kick. Miocic lands another right hand and pushes Cormier to the fence again. Shoulder strikes from Miocic. Miocic keeps working in the clinch. Right hand lands agai n for Miocic. Jab to the body for Miocic. Low kick checked by Miocic. Big right hand by Miocic. End of the round.
10-9 Miocic
Round 4
Cormier’s left eye seems compromised. Jab to the body lands for Miocic. Leg kick land for Miocic followed by a right hand. Miocic lands a right uppercut and pushes Cormier to the fence. Miocic lands to the body and breaks free. Big left hand from Miocic. Big right hand lands for Miocic. Miocic pushes Cormier to the fence yet again. One-two combination lands for Miocic. Cormier initiates a clinch but Miocic just pushes him back to the fence. Left hoojk lands for Miocic. Cormier lands a big low kick. Miocic lands a knee in the clinch and breaks free.
10-9 Miocic
Round 5
Both fighter embrace as a show of respect. Miocic lands a jab and a right han to the body. Big right hand lands for Miocic. Good combination lands for Miocic. Miocic reverses the clinch position and holds Cormier against the fence. Miocic land a knee and gets a hold of Cormier’s wrist. The break free, exchange on the feet and get back to the same position. Miocic lands coming out of the clinch. Big right hand lands for Miocic. Miocic holds Cormier up against the fence as the fight ends. The go the distance!
10-9 Miocic
Official results: Stipe Miocic defeats Daniel Cormier by unanimous decision (49-46, 49-46, 48-47). He retains his title and cement himself as the best UFC heavyweight of all time.
Check the highlights below:
HE HURT HIM! 🤯@DC_MMA stuns Stipe as RD 1 comes to a close. #UFC252
— UFC (@ufc) August 16, 2020
2-0 Stipe?
2-0 DC?
How are we looking through two? #UFC252
— UFC (@ufc) August 16, 2020
DC survives Stipe's late RD 2 attack! #UFC252
— UFC (@ufc) August 16, 2020
— UFC (@ufc) August 16, 2020
And that is it! 🏆
The third and final bout goes the distance. #UFC252
— UFC (@ufc) August 16, 2020
🐐 Stipe Miocic is the greatest heavyweight of all-time! #UFC252
— UFC (@ufc) August 16, 2020
"That'll be it for me."
Thank you for everything, @DC_MMA. #UFC252
— UFC (@ufc) August 16, 2020
The 🐐 at heavyweight. #UFC252
— UFC (@ufc) August 16, 2020