In a fight dubbed by many as “the people’s main event” of UFC 300, BMF titleholder Justin Gaethje put his bragging rights belt on the line against former featherweight champion Max Holloway.
Round 1
Max Holloway gets things started with a jab to the body. Gaethje loads up on a right hand, but Holloway moves out of harm’s way. Holloway fires a calf kick. Gaethje comes back with one of his own that briefly takes Holloway off his feet. Holloway lands with a left hand followed by a leg kick. Gaethje responds with a nice connection. Holloway lands an uppercut and follows it up with a left hook in close that stings Gaethje.
Gaethje swings wildly and misses. Holloway goes to the body with a right hand. Holloway connects again with a flurry. Gaethje goes back to the calf kick. ‘The Highlight’ throws a head kick that Holloway blocks. Gaethje goes back to the low kick but eats a 1-2 from Holloway. Gaethje responds with a right hand that forces Holloway to retreat.
The round ends with Holloway uncorking a spinning heel kick that catches Gaethje on the nose. Gaethje’s nose appears to be broken as a result.
Round 2
Gaethje comes out for round two with his blood flowing and his mouth wide open. Max Holloway continues to mix up his strikes as Gaethje struggles to find his way inside. Gaethje goes back to the calf kick. Both fighters swing wildly, but Gaethje appears to have been poked in the eye. Instant replay reveals that it was an eye poke. That allows Gaethje some time to recover. The fight gets back under way after only a few seconds with Gaethje still trying to close the distance.
Holloway utilizes his kicks to keep Gaethje at bay. Hollway throws a body kick. Gaethje responds with a jab to the body. Gaethje lands with a right hand followed by a stiff low kick. Holloway closes in and Gaethje comes over the top with an overhand right. Gaethje is poked in the eye for a second time bringing another brief pause. Gaethje comes out and lands another big low kick that takes Holloway off balance. Holloway’s lead leg is beginning to swell and both fighters connect inside just before the round comes to an end.
Round 3
Gaethje immediately goes back to attacking Holloway’s leg. ‘Blessed’ fires back with a body kick. Gaethje gives him his receipt up top before going back to the leg attack. Gaethje throws a big overhand right. Holloway counters with a left that connects. Holloway again mixes up his leg kicks as Gaethje offers up a nice left hook. A big 1-2 from Holloway lands. Gaethje fires back with another overhand right that misses completely. Holloway attempts to make him pay but eats another calf kick for his trouble.
Holloway throws another spinning back kick that connects with Gaethje’s torso. Gaethje catches Holloway coming in with a right hand. Holloway throws a quick jab to the body followed by a beautiful right hand that Gaethje slips. Gaethje throws a high kick as the third round ends.
Round 4
Gaethje comes out trying to put Holloway on his bicycle and throws a nice combination. Holloway continues his attack on the body. Gaethje throws a big 1-2 that connects. Holloway circles away from the fence and lands a right hand that appears to have Gaethje rocked. Holloway avoids rushing in as Gaethje fires back with a combination that Holloway blocks. Gaethje gets Holloway back up against the fence and unleashes a jab that hurts Holloway.
Circling back to the center, Holloway partially lands a jab followed by a right hand. Holloway offers a knee to the body. Gaethje goes back to attacking the lead leg. Gaethje comes back up top with a right hook that knocks Holloway to the canvas. ‘Blessed’ pops back up and creates distance. Gaethje lands another solid right hand moments before the horn sounds, bringing an end to the round.
Round 5
Looking to pick up right where he left off, Gaethje lands a hard jab. Gaethje overswings and Holloway lands a couple of strikes in close. Holloway again goes back to the spinning back kick, connecting with Gaethje’s midsection. Gaethje continues to stalk Holloway and ‘Blessed’ lands a vicious right hand that has Gaethje covering up against the fence. Gaethje counters with a right hand to try and stop the onslaught. Holloway throws another spinning back kick before backing off.
Holloway attacks the body with a jab as Gaethje continues to try and clear the cobwebs. Another nasty right hand lands for Holloway. With 60 seconds to go, Gaethje begins moving forward, looking to land. Gaethje throws a big right hand but eats a kick to the body in return. Gaethje throws a high kick against the fence. Holloway responds with a flying knee attempt. With 10 seconds to go, both men stand and trade with Holloway landing a brutal right hand that flatlines Justin Gaethje with one second to go.
Official Result: Max Holloway def. Justin Gaethje via KO (overhand right) at 4:59 of Round 5.