Never have I seen an entire dietary plan come crashing down as fast as what happened when Johny Hendricks came in at 1.5 lbs over for his welterweight title fight against Robbie Lawler at UFC 171. Mike Dolce made a career on bragging about how all of his fighters make weight because of his ‘Dolce Diet,’ which doesn’t even take into factor being vegan. If the dude really wanted to save people’s life instead of making money, he would just tell everyone to eat a plant-based diet, work out more, sit down less, and brush your teeth every day. There you go — no need to sell DVD box sets and books, I’ve given you the simple key to a long life. You guys should erect a statue in my honor.
Of course Nick Diaz had something to say about Johny Hendricks not making weight, especially when he was trying to make weight again. Check out this hilarious Vine, and keep in mind that the fight tomorrow is still on.
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