Max Holloway, Alexander Volkanovski Put On A Clinic Tonight, We Have A New Champ
UFC 245 pay-per-view (PPV) event is happening live now (Saturday, December 14, 2019) from inside T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.
UFC featherweight champion Max “Blessed” Holloway is defending his 145-pound belt against the former PXC and AFC king Alexander “The Great” Volkanovski.
Alexanders Volkanovski enters first, he is wearing a gray T-shirt and green shorts. Max Holloway walks out next, sporting Hawaiian flag around his shoulders, white headband, black hoodie, and black shorts. Here is an interesting fact. Holloway is 12 cm taller, but Volkanovski has a reach advantage.
The third man inside the Octagon is Jason Herzog. The bout has just begun.
Round 1
Fighters touch gloves. Holloway keeps his hands high, Volknaovski feints. Left hook blocked. Low kick Volkanovski. Good movements by Alex, he evades Holloway’s strikes. The Hawaiian presses him lands a low kick.
Jab countered via low kick. Both fighters missing, low kick Volkanovski, Holloway counters with his stunning left hand. 1-2 Alex. Low kick. Left hook lands.
Low kick to the calf Volkanovski. It looks like an even fight for now. Three big strikes Holloway, Alex counters. Good front hand. Left low kick lands for Volkanovski again.
1-2 Holloway. Left hook missed by a hair it was close. Low kick. And again. Alexander is missing over and over. Low kick Max. High kick Volkanovski, Holloway blocks. Another punch lands.
Volkanovski ducks under the right punch. He goes for a takedown, Holloway is pressed against the cage. Max escapes. Holloway circles and evades low kicks and punches. Low kick. Holloway misses with a right kick to the thigh. Clinch and elbow. 10-10 I am unsure.
Round 2
Glove touch. Low kick Volkanovski, he controls the center. Holloway checks the low kick. Body punch Max. Left hook Holloway.
The low kick missed Holloway lands straight punch in return. 1-2 Volkanovski. Holloway goes forward but evades punches. Body punch Alexander.
Right low kick Volkanovski, fighters trade shots. Left low kick. Holloway’s left calf is swollen. Another low kick Max doesn’t look good. Spinning backfist attempt Volkanovski. Holloway attacks with direct punches, Volkanovski keeps his hands up. Another low kick. Max switched stance. Sidekick. Low kick lands again. Right hook Alexander.
Superb low kick Volkanovski, he slammed Max’s thigh like a baseball bat. Three quick strikes for Max. Volkanovski lands a low kick eats a punch in return. Low kick Volkanovski, Holloway keeps his hands low and finishes the round with a right sidekick. 10-9 Holloway.
Round 3
Fighters touch gloves. Holloway in the southpaw stance. Right hook Alex. Left low kick. Holloway keeps landing straight punches. Clinch strikes. Right sidekick. Middle kick Volkanovski. Low kick lands again.
Two straight punches. Right sidekick. Right uppercut Max, Volkanovski fires back with a hook. It seems Alex’s eye is swollen. Great body kick.
The left low kick followed by two hooks. Fighters are talking! Right jab Max. Big right hook lands, Holloway delivers one in return. Another right hand. Right sidekick to the thigh. Middle kick Volkanovski.
Left hook lands again, it is followed by a left low kick. Jab Volkanovski. Low kick, knee attempt misses its mark. Another big left low kick.
Superb left knee to the body Holloway. Left low kick, countered by a punch to the head. Spinning back kick attempt Holloway. Right high kick Max. The low kick missed by a hair. Spinning backfist attempt Holloway Volkanovski evades the strong blow. 10-9 Volkanovski.
Round 4
Sidekick to the thigh. Left hook misses. Left low kick Volkanovski. Big right cross. Holloway looked rocked for a second. Great exchange on both sides, Holloway ate right hook to the chin. Two hooks Volkanovski.
Volkanovski shoots in, stuffed, Holloway ends up on the cage and evades well. Clinch strikes. Right low kick countered by a jab. Low kick Max. Volkanovski lands one in return.
1-2 Holloway. Good punch by Max, Volkanovski goes forward and attacks the leading leg. Left low kick. Body punch Holloway, Volkanovski missed with a left hook.
The body shot again. Jab plus low kick to the thigh. Good body shots on both sides. Wow, it turns into an open brawl. So many big punches on both sides. Body shot missed, high kick blocked. Low kick Alex. I am unsure… 10-10?
Round 5
Glove touch. Few punches on both sides. Holloway advances he has to go for a stoppage. Low kick Volkanovski. High kick ends up in Max’s guard. Body punch Holloway.
Low kick Alexander Volkanovski. Few short punches. Max moves to the left and evades big right cross. Strong punch. Fighters trading shots.
Four punches and strong kick by Holloway but no damage to Volkanovski. Low kick missed. Three minutes remaining. Alex low kicks again. 1-2 Max, Alexander clinches up, Holloway escapes well. Big low kick and strong punch.
Volkanovski pushes Max on the cage, he has one under-hook in but Max evades well and controls the center. Big jab and left low kick, left uppercut to the body Alexander. Another big punch.
Fighters trade big punches. Volkanovski shoots in, stuffed, uppercut. Alex goes for a takedown again, good defense by Max. Elbow. Middle kick Holloway. Max is missing over and over.
Left hook Max. Volkanovski clinches up and presses Max on the cage. Max attempts a spinning back kick but Alexander caught him in the air and took him down. 10-9 Volkanovski.
Final Result: Alexander Volkanovski wins Max Holloway via unanimous decision (48-47, 48-47, 50-45)
Here are the highlights:
Max Holloway drops to 21-5 MMA, 17-5 UFC, Alexander Volkanovski improves the score to 21-1 MMA, 8-0 UFC.