After a heated face-off, Devin Haney clashed with Vasyl Lomachenko in the headlining fight at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Devin Haney vs Vasyl Lomachenko
Round 1: Haney is on the front foot. He’s looking to work off his jab. Haney lands a body shot. He goes to the body again. Short left hand get through for Haney. Loma goes on the inside and lets his hands go, connecting with two. They traded strikes stepping forward and back. Haney to the body. Loma corners him and unloads with 1-2s. Loma with two strong left hands.
Round 2: Loma circling on the outside. Haney keeps ranged with the jab and he gets close with a short right. Loma lands a right hook. Haney with a short strike. Good body shot by Haney. Loma cuts the distance and eats an uppercut to the body. Nice counter right from Haney. Loma unleashes a flurry of punches, landing a high-volume combination. Straight left hand down the middle from Loma. Left straight from Loma. Loma with another combination.
Round 3: Both men try to land something with the lead hand but are unable to. Loma steps in with a left hand. Good counter right from Loma. Loma lands a clean left hand. Loma unloads a multi-punch combo in close range. Haney with a body shot. Huge left-hand lands for Haney. Uppercut from Loma and a combo. A strong left hand from Loma rocks Haney.
Round 4: Haney steps in and goes to the body. Another body shot. Loma lands a fast three-punch combination. Nice straight left down the middle from Loma. Nice right hook by Loma off the back foot and another one. Body shot from Haney. Jab from Loma and Haney responds with a right hand. Body shot by Haney. Short right hand on the inside for Haney.
Round 5: Devin Haney hitting the guard and an uppercut to the body. Great bodywork from Haney with another hit. Uppercut from Haney. Loma lands a left and there-punch combo against the ropes. Haney with uppercut and to the body. Loma unleashes punches in short range. He eats a right to the body.
Round 6: Haney whips to the body and another. Loma lands multiple punches. Nice left hand from Loma on the button. Right hand to the body from Haney. Loma with a 3 punch combo and left hook. 1-2 from Loma. Haney eats a big left. Haney lands a right to the body and can uppercut. Another right body shot from Haney.
Round 7: Loma cuts in with three stinging left hands. Haney lands one straight. He moves forward with shots to the body. Loma steps in with a left hook. Right hand from Haney to the body. Loma doubles up on the left hand. Loma with a short 1-2. Right hook from Haney. Hard left from Loma gets Haney’s attention. Haney with a jab and right to the body. Loma responds with two punches after a left hook from Haney.
Round 8: Haney jabs. Loma with a triple jab. Loma with a short uppercut. Haney with a good right hand. Loma with a big left hand and another one. Left counter from Loma. Haney goes to the body with the right hand. Good jab from Loma. Straight left from Loma and counter right from Haney. 1-2 from Haney.
Round 9: Body shots from Loma. Haney moves in to land a right hand to the body. Good right hand from Haney and another solid overhand. Loma snaps Haney’s head back with a straight left. Jab from Loma. 1-2 in four punch combo from Loma. Left hand by Loma gets through. Body shot from Haney and another. Nice counter left from Haney and a right. Power shot to the body from Haney.
Round 10: Loma tries to close the distance and eats a body short. Loma steps in with a huge right. He follows up with a big combination that hurts Haney. Haney lands to the body. Loma gets close and lands a right. He eats one to the body and connects with the left. Another left from Loma connects. Loma comes in again with the left hand.
Round 11: Loma walks forward with a massive left and right combo. Haney lands to the body. Loma connects with a huge left hand and right. He steps on the gas with multiple huge shots on the button. He lands an up jab. Relentless pressure from Loma. Two to three punch combinations from Loma. Lead jab from Loma. Body work by Loma stuns Haney.
Round 12: Haney jumps on Loma. Haney with a counter to the body. Good left and right hook from Haney to the body. Body shot by Loma. Jab from Loma. Good defense and counter from Loma. Body shot by Haney. Loma goes up top with the left hand. Loma lands a combination while Haney jabs.
Official Result: Devin Haney defeats Vasyl Lomachenko by unanimous decision (116-112, 115-113, 115-113).
Check out the highlights below:
You're witnessing the two best fighters at 135 🍿
— Top Rank Boxing (@trboxing) May 21, 2023
Three rounds in and we're wihessing chess at the highest level ♟️👑
— Top Rank Boxing (@trboxing) May 21, 2023
A classic is brewing.
— Top Rank Boxing (@trboxing) May 21, 2023
— Top Rank Boxing (@trboxing) May 21, 2023
How do you have it scored so far? 🤔 #HaneyLoma
— ESPN Ringside (@ESPNRingside) May 21, 2023
— Top Rank Boxing (@trboxing) May 21, 2023
WHAT A FIGHT. #HaneyLoma
— Top Rank Boxing (@trboxing) May 21, 2023