Anthony Joshua (24-3) returned to the squared circle on Friday night intent on getting back into the win column following back-to-back losses against Oleksandr Usyk in his last two outings. Hoping to serve ‘AJ’ his third straight defeat was Jermaine Franklin. 22-1 overall, Franklin was also coming off a loss, giving up a majority decision to Dillian Whyte in November at Wembley Arena in London.
Round 1
Jab by Anthony Joshua to start the round followed by a jab to the body. 1-2 by Franklin misses and Joshua responds with a jab. Franklin connects with a left and quickly moves in, tying up with Joshua. Franklin rips to the body and goes upstairs, but Joshua defends well. Joshua continues to lean on the heavy jab. A good combination from Joshua gets Franklin’s attention. Joshua to the body. Solid jab by Franklin lands. Joshua responds with his own jab just before the round ends.
Round 2
Anthony Joshua comes out a little more mobile in the second round as he continues to work his jab. Franklin throws a left hook that misses and eats a right from Joshua. Joshua triples up on the left jab with a big right hand behind it that pops Franklin’s head back. Left by Joshua lands. three-punch combo from Franklin misses. A sharp combination from Franklin as Joshua begins to look a little flat-footed. Joshua delivers a couple of solid blows to the body as Franklin attempts to land a jab.
Round 3
Jermaine Franklin comes out throwing the jab to set up a right that partially lands. The right hand lands for Joshua, but Franklin responds with a left hook. Left to the body, then a right hook from Franklin. Joshua begins putting on pressure as Franklin responds with a right. Franklin moves in looking to land in close and quickly ties up. Right hook from Joshua misses and Franklin responds with a series of jabs. Franklin throws a glancing right hand and the end of the round sees both fighters trading rights.
Round 4
Jermaine Franklin doubles up on the jab early forcing Joshua to retreat. Franklin taunts Joshua by sticking his tongue out. Both fighters begin letting their hands go, but Joshua has the upper hand as he continues to control the ring with his jab. Joshua slips a three-punch combo from Franklin and lands a nice right hand. Joshua continues to pump his jab as both fighters are content to be in not much more than a sparring session. Franklin musters up the strength to throw a flurry of strikes as the clock ticks down, but Joshua dodges and lands a solid counter to close the round.
Round 5
Anthony Joshua starts the round with a series of jabs followed by a big right hand. Franklin responds with a combination that ends with a solid upper landing on the chin of Joshua. Joshua works the jab and Franklin throws a 1-2. Franklin lands with his forearm behind Joshua’s head and the Brit responds with a brutal right hand. Franklin again attempts to throw a flurry of strikes, but nothing lands for the American as the round ends.
Round 6
1-2 from Anthony Joshua to start the round. Franklin ties up and Joshua delivered a couple of solid body shots in the clinch. A solid jab from Joshua lands. Big overhand right from Franklin glances off the face of Joshua. Massive left uppercut lands and Franklin attempts to respond with a flurry of strikes before tying up. Joshua looks for the uppercut again, but Franklin comes over the top with a right. Left jab from Joshua. A big right hand from Joshua just misses as Franklin unloads just before the bell sounds.
Round 7
Jermaine Franklin swings big and Joshua rips to the body. Joshua fires a left hook that misses the mark. Franklin with a right to the body. Left jab from Joshua and then a strike to the body as the two tie up. 1-2 from Franklin. Nasty right hand from Joshua lands. Left hook inside from Joshua lands as the two fighters start to get a little chippy following the bell.
Round 8
Jermaine Franklin comes out continuing to tie up and work inside the clinch. Fighters separate and Joshua lands a big right hand. Franklin is clearly getting frustrated as the two tie up once again and he aggressively separates. A left jab from Joshua lands, but he eats a right from Franklin in return. Overhand right from Joshua partially lands. A right from Joshua lands as Franklin moves in. Franklin continues to tie up during every exchange, attempting to attack the body and slow down Joshua.
Round 9
Jermain Franklin moves in and Joshua unloads two big uppercuts inside the clinch. 1-2 from Joshua lands as Franklin continues to move in quickly and clinch up. A short right from Joshua lands. The referee pauses the action to warn both competitors to fight rather than hug. Franklin responds with a big right hand. Clinched up once again, Joshua partially lands another uppercut just before the round ends.
Round 10
Anthony Joshua comes out continuing to fire on all cylinders, delivering two big right hands including an uppercut in the clinch. Franklin moves in looking to land a right on the inside, but it’s becoming clear that Franklin is fading. Franklin clinches up and both fighters land big on the inside. Franklin lands a big right hand and Joshua responds with an uppercut. Left from Franklin and Joshua again goes to the uppercut. A big right hand from Joshua. He follows it up with a left hook as the round ends.
Round 11
Anthony Joshua lands a big body shot that has an immediate effect on Franklin. Joshua goes to the uppercut once again and Franklin responds with a right hand. Franklin looks calm despite being behind and moves in once again to clinch and work the body. Joshua whiffs with the right hand but lands a left jab. Franklin lands a big right hand that snaps Joshua’s head back, but the Brit takes it well.
Round 12
Jermaine Franklin immediately moves in working the body of Joshua. A big left from Joshua glances off the face of Franklin followed by a 1-2. Short left hook from Joshua. Both fighters start talking inside the ring as Joshua continues to work the jab, forcing Franklin to tie up. Massive right hand from Joshua lands. Franklin recovers and attempts to move in, but Joshua is unloading on the American. With seconds to go, Franklin delivers everything he’s got. The bell sounds, but the fighters are clearly not done fighting as they come together forcing security to get involved.
Official Result: Anthony Joshua def. Jermaine Franklin via unanimous decision (118-111, 117-111, 117-111)
Check Out Highlights From Anthony Joshua vs. Jermaine Franklin Below: