The greatest challenge of this weekend was discovering the name of an 80s era RC car that had claws which emerged from tires at the flick of a button. It’s the most ignorant feature to ever be included in a motorized toy. I would love to have been a fly on the wall of that boardroom when a group of middle-aged men actually believed plastic animal claws ripping through tires would be a great idea. Of course, whatever fly on that wall probably emerged with giant animal claws emerging from its wings by the end of the day.
It was called ‘The Animal‘ and judging from multiple reports that the toy broke within the first seven hours, Galoob used us all. In 1999, the company was sold to Hasbro for $220 million so in the end, they still won. Bummer. I can only imagine Fabricio Werdum feels the same way when he claimed the UFC ‘used him’ and ‘threw him out’ in this interview with PVT Magazine.
“They kind of used me and threw me out. That UFC business is complicated. It’s tough to swallow that they would terminate your contract after two nice wins just because you lost the last one, regardless of how it happened. Business is business, it seems, and there’s no soft spots involved. That’s how it works – if they don’t like it, you’re out. Naturally, there’s a little resentment, but since we must be professional with everyone, I can’t take it personally. If that’s the road you choose, you could get in trouble so it’s best to stay professional.”
Agreed Werdum. You must be professional with everyone, unless it’s the guy who convinced Galoob to make a friggin toy car with orange animal paws popping out of the tires. Then it’s perfectly acceptable to throw a large fountain drink directly in their face. [Source]