Taking a page out of a young Khabib Nurmagomedov’s playbook, Jon Jones is cross training with baby animals. But the true MMA GOAT has always be enthralled by the cosmic nature of cats, so he sought out the wisdom of a baby tiger. Let’s see who gets the best of their no-Gi casual roll.
Watching Jon Jones geek out over playing with a baby tiger was oddly… endearing. It made me ponder just how much Jon Jones is just a normal human. Look at him, marveling at the wonder of nature just like you or I would. But then it hits me how absurd it is that it takes a video of Jones playing with a baby tiger for me to be able to humanize Jon Jones.
Anyway, it’s kind of dope that Jon Jones can still call in enough favors to be able to play with a fucking baby tiger. Nothing but respect for my LHW champion.