There was a multitude of moments from UFC Live: Sanchez vs. Kampmann that made everyone across America chuckle, shoot a booger out of their nose and then look around the room to see if anyone noticed — but let’s not forget about the drunk girl that reached out to grab Diego Sanchez’s extended arm while carefully balancing her plastic cup of beer in her left hand. We’re not sure what her reasoning behind this was, but it clearly did not take priority over the cup she vigorously held in her hand much like Conan the Barbarian wields a double-edged sword.
Let’s also remember Alessio Sakara’s choice of garment to alleviate the stream of blood running down his face. Sure he placed seventh in our list of the Top Ten Fades in MMA, but last night, Sakara grabbed first place for using all elements of the octagon to enhance his performance. This story also marks the 4,000th article published on By default, this is supposed to come with a complimentary cake and ice cream party, but we’ll pass on the imaginary opportunity for today. Maybe when we hit our 5,000th story, we’ll hold some grand celebration, complete with balloons and those little confetti poppers that scare the hell out of everyone when the string is pulled. Yeah, these things. Massive thanks to everyone out there that continue to read MiddleEasy on a daily basis, and to those that read the site occasionally — we’re going to put laudanum in your drinking water. Props to Nick Thomas for the gifs.