Santiago Ponzinibbio was looking to rebound off two straight losses against Alex Morono at UFC 282.
UFC 282: Santiago Ponzinibbio vs. Alex Morono
Round 1
Ponzinibbio gets a jab in. Morono lands a nice right hand. Ponzinibbio eats a counter right on the way in. He fires a low kick. Morono lands a nice 1-2. Ponzinnibbio goes to the body. Another one to the body. Nice low kick by Ponzinibbio and he eats a big right. Morono is loading up. Big right over the top from Morono. Morono pops a fast jab. A big right from Morono and a body kick. Ponzinibbio with a body shot and two more. Morono lands a big right hand and Ponzinibbio is hurt. He goes down but manages to survive.
Round 2
Ponzinibbio continues working to the body. Morono keeps him away with the jab. Ponzinibbio keeps to the body. Left hand lands for Morono. Low kick by Ponzinibbio. Big right from Morono drops Santiago but he gets up quickly. Ponzinibbio rushes in with a combo, misses, and lands a jab on the way out. Good right hand from Santiago. He’s jabbing to the body to possibly set up the overhand right. Santiago connects with a big right.
Round 3
Ponzinibbio comes out firing right away. Low kick from Santiago and a straight hand to the body. Light jab from Santiago. Strong right over the top gets through for Santiago. Low leg kick by Ponzinnibbio and a left hook. Good left hook and a big right from Morono rocks Santiago. Cracking right from Morono has him in danger. Ponzi in survival mode. Santiago with a left hook and a jab. Huge right from Ponzinibbio sends Morono down.
Official Result: Santiago Ponzinibbio defeats Alex Morono via TKO (R3, 2:29).