I am about 95% sure that Dan “The Beast” Severn was being airbrushed 10 feet from me as I conducted this impromptu interview with Ryan Bader. I cannot describe to you how distracting it is to see one of the two participants of one of the greatest MMA matches of all time (UFC 9, look it up) getting fake muscles detailed all over his body. Maybe it wasn’t him…much like the grainy Bigfoot footage, the Zapruder film or the Loch Ness Monster photo, the only evidence I could provide was a 5 second long, out of focus clip. Damn. At least that adds to the mystery. Ryan Bader had to sit across from that booth all day long, and I thank him for taking the time to speak with me. I can only imagine the mental stress he had to go through watching people getting airbrushed from head to toe for hours straight. Check out this video where Bader discusses the C.B Dollaway stoppage, his calling out of Tito and more.