Justin Gaethje Annihilates Donald Cerrone!
UFC Fight Night 158 is headlined by an intriguing 155-pound bout between the former WSOF champion Justin “The Highlight” Gaethje and BJJ/Gaidojutsu black belt Donald “The Cowboy” Cerrone. It is going down live now (Saturday, September 14, 2019) from inside Rogers Arena in Vancouver, Canada.
The referee is Jerin Valel. The main event of the evening begins!
Round 1
Gaethje attacks Cerrone with leg kicks, hard left hook, and Cerrone ducked a left hand. Cerrone counters with three devastating blows connect with a leg kick.
1-2 Cerrone, great punches Gaethje, this is turning into a wild brawl. Right-hand Gaethje, and a left hook on both sides, awesome slugfest. Leg kick exchange, Cerrone backs his opponent up with a jab.
Cerrone lands a strong body kick but he retreats. Both lands blows in the center of the cage, leg kick Gaethje, and now an uppercut.
Left hook Gaethje, followed by a big right hand!!! Gaethje punishes Cerrone with massive right hands, and he looks towards the referee Jerin Valel. That’s it, the match is over, a victory for Justin Gaethje!!!
Final Result: Justin Gaethje defeats Donald Cerrone (TKO, punches, 4:18)
Check the highlights:
Donald Cerrone drops to 36-13, 1 NC MMA; 23-10 MMA, Justin Gaethje improves the score to 21-2 MMA, 4-2 UFC.