Damn it. Just when the whole Alpha Male/Nova Uniao feud was really starting to gain steam with TJ Dillashaw coming out of nowhere to dethrone Renan Barao, Jose Aldo gets dumped on his head while training and he, according to Mike Chiapetta, injured his labrum and herniated a cervical disc. He’s out against Chad Mendes at UFC 176 in August, and I’m assuming that puts jose out for the rest of 2014. So I repeat:
Not only is this a rough situation for the featherweight division, but this is the first time in my life that I realized that Mike Chiapetta likely had a rough childhood growing up in the 80’s and 90’s when Chia Pets were at the height of their popularity. I’m not bringing this up to be a jerk, I just want to let you know that I empathize with you, Mike. I have a last name that was considered ‘unpronounceable’ growing up.
The worst part about this is the open-ended nature of what has been deemed #FenceGrabGate by me. I wanted to see Jose do something incredible to quiet the critics. But now, that will have to wait, right?
No one knows. But we’ll let YOU know when news comes in, obviously. Sheesh. Stop being so pushy.