A bantamweight encounter between Rob Font and Jose Aldo is taking place now (Saturday, Dec 4, 2021) at UFC Vegas 44.
Round 1
Font is the more active fighter early on. He’s switching stances a lot. Font misses a one two. Aldo misses a big overhand right. Font times a takedown well and has Aldo’s back. Aldo is on his feet but remains controlled by Font. Font nearly gets him down but Aldo does well to defend and separate. Font continues to be aggressive and put a pace on Aldo. Aldo shoots but fails. The pace settles down a bit. Font connects with a rip to the body. Aldo still displays great head movement. Aldo lands his trademark body shot to good effect. Font continues to throw volume but Aldo continues to evade and minimize any damage. Aldo wobbles Font with a one two before Font gets dropped. Aldo looks to end things but the bell saves Font!
Round 2
Font looks fine now as he continues to throw volume. He digs the body and is looking to establish a jab. The action slows down a bit but Aldo is the one walking him down. Aldo connects with a right hand and then lands another one two! Aldo is clearly in control but Font continues to throw strikes. Font lands a right hand but Aldo responds with a big strike of his own. Aldo is dictating things now. Aldo rips the body. Font connects with a left hand. The round ends soon after.
Round 3
Aldo opens with a leg kick on the advice of his coach. He follows it up with another one. Font looks to establish a jab but eats another leg kick. Aldo lands another. Font looks to pull guard but ends up getting mounted by Font. Font manages to get it to half guard. Aldo remains in control and passes to side control. Aldo is now in the guard and easily avoids an armbar attempt. Font gets to his feet and separates. Font lands a nice body shot. Aldo seems to have some swelling on his right eye. Aldo connects with a leg kick that drops Font! He lands another one soon after. Font continues to throw but his leg can’t keep taking too much damage.
Round 4
Font remains aggressive and puts the pressure on. Aldo lands a right hand though and follows it with a knee. He connects again and Font is downed! Aldo is in side control and lands a big elbow. Font is now swelling on his eye. Font appears to be in some pain as he looks to scramble and get out. Aldo passes to mount but Font does well to get him back to full guard. Aldo is still in control. However, Font throws some elbows off his back. Aldo moves to fount again but Font gets out. Font lands some more elbows but ultimately was controlled for the full round.
Round 5
Font is going all out as he definitely needs a finish. Aldo eats a right hand. Font just misses with a flying knee. Font clinches Aldo up against the cage. Font lands some strikes and connects with an elbow on the break. This is his round so far. Font clinches him again. Aldo appears to be coasting but hurts Font soon after! A body shot follows and Font goes to the ground. Aldo takes his back. Font scrambles but Aldo remains in control. He has the body triangle. Aldo attempts a rear naked choke but Font defends.
Official Result: Jose Aldo defeats Rob Font via unanimous decision (50-45, 50-45, 49-46).