How many of you out there just freaked out and ran away from your TV when Strikeforce had those creepy fighting skeleton animations? If that’s what hell looks like, then I’m going to church as soon as possible. The last thing you want to see when you’re 12 glasses down in cosmopolitans is two skinless humans going at it in an octagon. It just raises so many questions like…whatever these two dudes are fighting over, its important enough to just go at it without skin on. What MMA organization lets skinless fighters brawl in the octagon? Usually, no shirt and no shoes is cool if youre going into the octagon and bad if youre going into Applebees. But apparently no skin is cool if youre going into the octagon and even cooler if you walk into Applebees.
I think I speak for every fan of Strikeforce when I say leave the skinless human fighting animations on the editing floor. If you’re going to go with skeletons fighting, you might as well take it all the way and just put that entire skelton army of Jason and the Argonauts in there. I wouldnt mind seeing the entire cast of Silverhawks get down in the cage also. That would have been a little bit less scary. It seems like the goal wasnt to go for realism but ‘IWishThisWouldEndBecauseIJustWantToSeeTheNextFightism’. Great card, weird…skinless humans fighting.