If we were all living in a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, the Gracie last name would be synonymous with ‘Skywalker.’ Technically, that would place Rickson as Darth Vader and Kron Gracie as Luke Skywalker. Kyra Gracie would somehow be Princess Leia and we can only pray that Rampage Jackson would be Lando Calrissian. If any of you try to correct that family lineage, then you’re just showing the world how large of Star Wars geeks you truly are — which ultimately means unlimited ridicule from me, along with every reader on MiddleEasy.
LayzieTheSavage just got off the phone with Cesar Gracie to get his response on Georges St. Pierre being out of the MMA game for nearly an entire year, and needless to say he isn’t that happy about it. In fact, he believes GSP should be stripped of his title in this brief interview.
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