Last night I told everyone located in Japan to just leave their computers and go as far inland as possible. Twitter will always be here, but their immediate safety was at question. Apparently Kawajiri has either ignored my plea, can’t fully understand English, doesn’t follow me on Twitter — or a delicate mix of all these hypothesized options. The last thing we need is one of the greatest bouts in Strikeforce lightweight history to be derailed because Kawajiri was too busy seeing who retweeted him. Now that Kawajiri has sent a message to all his followers that his family is perfectly safe, he even threw in a Gilbert Melendez joke for good measure. Feel free to make your observational jokes of Gilbert ‘El Nino’ Melendez being compared to an earthquake. [Source]
At least we know Kawajiri is safe from the earthquake in Japan, and he even has Melendez jokes to spare

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