Valentine’s day is today and most of you will think giving your girlfriend a heart shaped box of candy and some roses from the grocery store is a great idea. You all want to get lucky at least once next week so trust me a cardboard box of plastic wrapped chocolates and flowers from the clearance section of Walmart aren’t likely to help you out in your quest to get some ugly bumping. Especially if you hand it to your girl in the plastic Walmart bag with the receipt still inside that reads total: $5.74. She will likely walk out the front door, drive straight to Walmart, return your purchase and buy herself a bottle of Arbor Mist and some KY Jelly and spend her evening without you.
Lucky for you guys, I am here to save you from lame Valentine’s day gift faildom. All you have to do is play this five minute long video of Anthony Pettis talking about his feelings on waiting for a title shot, his fight with Guida and training with the Roufus camp. Trust me it will work. Its like foreplay without any of the work. Just let Anthony do all the work by talking and flashing his smile. If you really want to score points promise to take her on a luxurious vacation to Milwaukee one day to see the inside of the Roufusport gym where Anthony changes his clothes and showers, and yes where he trains to do Matrix style anti-gravity kicks as well. When you get there she might forget your name and decide to move to Milwaukee permanently, but at least you got a couple of weeks of action beforehand. [Source]