Each week AddictedMMA will be bringing you the best and most interesting comments by MMA personalities, some serious, some light humored. Enjoy!
Mike Pierce (Twitter)
Let me guess… this d-bag learned that cartwheel kick from Steven Seagal.
On Brian Ebersole’s cartwheel kick
Matt Mitrione (Twitter)
Brian ebersol u r a classless asshole. u have enough fights to know how conduct urself. I respect that u won, but ur just trashy n my book.
Anthony Johnson (Twitter)
What is up wit every1 walkin out wit crazy shit on there head?
On the UFC 127 entrances.
Yves Edwards (Facebook)
I hope Fukuda’s ass heals quickly because he just got FU#&ED;!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the Japanese fighters controversial loss to Nick Ring
Mark Bocek (Twitter)
Bisping looked good, nice level changes also… #mma #ufc
After Bisping defeated Rivera
Kit Cope (Twitter)
I hope Michael Bieber Bisping gets his ass handed to him. Cheatn dipshit.
After “that” knee.
DaMarques Johnson (Twitter)
Tweeted just after the Bisping vs Rivera fight….draw your own conclusions!
Gareth A Davies (Twitter)
#ufc127 this was always a lose-lose for Bisping. Huge fall out if he lost, quickly forgotten if he won. Looked two levels above Rivera
Miguel Angel Torres (Twitter)
All in favor of a sudden death round for any draws in @ufc…co-sign with a #retweet
Junie Allen Browning
I get more excited about bar fights!
After the main event of UFC 127
André Winner (Twitter)
I want to smash a few peeps then a rematch with siver
Gerald Harris (Facebook)
Pushing against the flow will mainly bring you pain. Instead, go along with the flow of life’s energy, and you can experience whatever you truly desire. – Ralph Marston
Wise words from Mr. Harris!
Sean McCorkle (Twitter)
If I were a gay man, I wouldn’t be the least bit attracted to Christian Morecraft
Sean McCorkle (Twitter)
Christian Moorecraft has cooties
Quality info from Mr McCorkle!
And Finally…………
Dana White (Twitter)
@K*****718 go fuck urself
Was Dana’s response to this…
@danawhite u prick.. U owe me $54.99 for that wackass ppv