The unified heavyweight title of the world is on the line tonight as Anthony Joshua (21-1) squares off against Kubrat Pulev (27-1) from inside the SSE Arena in London, England. Joshua will look to assert himself as the best heavyweight fighter in the world once again after regaining his titles in the rematch against Andy Ruiz jr. A win against Pulev could set him up for the biggest fight of his career against Tyson Fury.
Round 1
Both fighters come out in the orthodox stance. Joshua is the taller fighter and will certainly look to impose his style and hurt his opponent from long range. The two men feint a lot and try to draw out their opponent. Pulev’s right hook is blocked and he eats a body jab from Joshua. Pulev seems to make a point of taking the center of the ring. He eats a jab from Joshua but doesn’t back down. Pulev misses on a lot of his attempts but keeps pressuring Joshua nonetheless.
10-9 Joshua
Round 2
Pulev takes the center of the ring once again. He dips and attacks the body, Joshua returns with a jab. Joshua lands a body shot of his own but seems comfortable staying at a safe distance for now. Joshua suddenly beaks the distance and lands a combination. Big left hand misses wide for Pulev but he keeps pressuring Joshua. Both fighters land as they enter a clinch before the referee separates them. Nice one-two lands for Joshua but he misses with the uppercut.
10-9 Joshua
Round 3
Pulev comes out with the same mindset and looks to land early but Joshua dips into a clinch. Nice jab gets in for Pulev. Joshua lands a nice right hand as he attempts to relieve some pressure. Big counter right hand from Joshua appears to rattle Pulev. He follows it up with a combination and a body shot but Pulev is still standing. Joshua keeps attacking and the referee scores a knockdown as Pulev turns away. Joshua gets back to work immediately after and this time he puts Pulev down. The Russian gets back up and survives the end of the round. As the round ends, Pulev lands a punch that appears to be after the bell.
10-8 Joshua
Round 4
Joshua is on the front foot early in this round. He lands a powerful jab and a right hand. Pulev doesn’t back down and keeps pressuring Joshua. Both fighters exchange punches in the clinch before breaking up. Big right hand from Joshua as the round ends.
10-9 Pulev
Round 5
Body shot blocked by Joshua. He circles around Pulev and lands an uppercut. Pulev looks to corner Joshua and engage in a clinch but Joshua gets away. Left hand lands for Joshua, Pulev tries to answer but fails. Pulev lands to the body and keeps the center of the ring. Joshua leaps in with a jab and seems to rattle Pulev for a second. Nice right hand lands for Pulev.
10-9 Joshua
Round 6
Pulev misses with a right hand and looks to keep pressuring Joshua. The referee breaks up a clinch and Joshua lands a nice jab. Nice short left hand lands for Joshua, Pulev appears to hit him behind the head but the fight goes on. Joshua lands two jabs in a row and shows some beautiful head movement on the defensive end. One-two lands for Joshua.
10-9 Joshua
Round 7
Nice jab lands for Joshua before Pulev forces a clinch. Joshua lands twice to the body and then another jab. Pulev forces a clinch and eats an uppercut for his troubles. Nice combination from Joshua but Pulev doesn’t back down. Pulev just misses with a right hand and eats a jab. Nice right hand from Pulev after Joshua misses with an uppercut.
10-9 Joshua
Round 8
Nice one-two lands for Pulev, he keeps pressuring Joshua and lands a nice jab. Pulev is fighting a grueling fight, forcing clinches and using dirty boxing. Joshua lands to the body and touches Pulev with an uppercut. Left hand from Joshua is blocked by Pulev as the round ends.
10-9 Pulev
Round 9
Nice jab lands for Pulev, he then rushes into a clinch before the referee separates them. Joshua lands to the body and follows up with a jab. He seems to be biting on a lot of Pulev’s feints. Nice uppercut lands for Joshua after Pulev misses with a right hand. Big uppercut lands for Joshua, he then puts Pulev down with a right hand. Big right hand from Joshua, Pulev is down again and it’s all over. Anthony Joshua remains the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.
Official results: Anthony Joshua defeats Kubrat Pulev by Knockout at 2m30s of the 9th round.
Check the highlights below:
The ringside angle of Anthony Joshua's KO 📲
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) December 12, 2020
Anthony Joshua literally hit Pulev with four straight uppercuts. 😳
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) December 12, 2020
Anthony Joshua knocks down Pulev 💥
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) December 12, 2020
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) December 12, 2020