
Bjj Workouts

Best Workouts To Build Explosive Strength For Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is known as one of the most challenging martial arts in the world. The whole concept of the technique is set to allow a smaller person to defeat a much bigger rival. This is achievable through the use of special techniques rather than sheer strength. The truth is, you don’t have to

Choose The Right Martial Art

How to Choose The Right Martial Art Style for You?

Let’s assume you have firmly decided to become a martial artist and enjoy many of its benefits. Before moving on, we must say you have made a very smart decision. Any combat style with a long history can help you grow into a person with good manners and exceptional fighting skills. Also, many studies have shown various martial arts can help a person deal with many physical and mental illnesses. Whether you want to join the classes for recreational purposes or seeking a professional career, you are on the right track.  Regardless of the style you choose, the requirements for becoming proficient in any martial arts are the same. They all need a lot of dedication, commitment, and sacrifice. In the beginnings, every art will put your body and mind through huge

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Not Getting Better

10 Reasons Why Your Jiu-Jitsu Isn’t Getting Better

From time to time, you will find yourself struggling to make some progress on the BJJ mats. This is especially common among beginners who find themselves stuck at low levels. Honestly, we’ve all been there, and there’s nothing wrong with it. At the end of the day, if jiu-jitsu was that easy, everyone would wear

Improve Flexibility For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Best Ways to Improve Flexibility For Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Since the foundation of jiu-jitsu, we have seen the constant evolution of skills and training methods. Like in any sport, innovative methods are always there to enhance the performance and health of the athletes. Every member of the Gracie family is the innovator in some way. But, one of the true game-changers was the famous

Avoid Shin Splints

How to Avoid Shin Splints in Muay Thai

Out of all martial arts in the world, Muay Thai is perhaps the most punishable one. While in other combat sports you can avoid getting hurt somehow, Muay Thai is unforgiving. Sooner or later, the injuries will occur, and this is a part of the Thai game. Basically, your body and mind are continuously going

Muay Thai Equipment

A Complete Guide To All The Muay Thai Equipment You Need

Muay Thai is a sport that requires a ton of gear to use in training and competition. This is the last guide you will ever need for equipment. Whether you are just starting out with Muay Thai, or if you have been training for a while, one thing you will recognize is the amount of

Best Martial Arts For Self Defense

13 Best Martial Arts For Self-Defense (Ranked According to Experts)

In a world that grows ever unpredictable, learning self-defense skills becomes indispensable. Martial arts, renowned for their diverse styles and teachings, provide a formidable foundation for such skills. Beyond self-protection, they nurture physical fitness, discipline, and mental fortitude. The true essence of martial arts lies in empowering individuals to safeguard themselves in uncertain situations. Although

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Guide

The Ultimate Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Guide For Beginners

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is one of the best self-defensive techniques in the history of combat sports. If you have decided to put on a fresh new gi and step on the mats, we must say that you’ve made a great choice! Jiu-jitsu can be very beneficial for both the physical and mental health of any