UFC featherweight Alex Caceres marked his return to action against Daniel Pineda at UFC Vegas 74.
UFC Vegas 74: Alex Caceres vs Daniel Pineda
Round 1
Pineda lands a low kick. Pineda steps in and tried to get a takedown but ended up on the bottom. They get up. Pineda with a heavy low kick. He tried to get him down and Caceres takes his back. Now he fully mounts Pineda momentarily. Caceres gets out. Pineda tried to get an armbar but Caceres did well to avoid. Inside low kick by Pineda. He shoots for a single leg takedown but doesn’t get it. Caceres lands nice elbows. They continue to grapple. Pineda tries to throw him to the side but ends up on his back again. Caceres lays down the ground and pound. Caceres punches to the body and head. Pineda gets an armor deep. Caceres manages to fight through it and both get back on feet. Low kick by Pineda. Strong body shot from Caceres. They clinch. Nice elbow from Caceres. Low kick and strong 1-2 from Caceres rocks Pineda. Pineda lands a counter shot and tries to wrestle back.
Round 2
Pineda lands a massive right hand and two more in quick succession. Caceres lands some elbows and gets taken down before getting right back up. They grapple off the fence. Nice elbow and right hand from Pineda. Body shot and left hook from Caceres and a jab. Pineda looks gassed. He eats a jab and shoots. Caceres capitalizes in the scramble. Pineda manages to get on top. He takes side mount and to the back now. He’s got the body triangle and trying to go to mount. Caceres reverses and gets on top. Pineda is looking for a kimura. He gets the back again and takes full mount. Pineda lands strikes from top. He’s looking for the rear-naked choke or possibly an arm triangle. Pineda loses position and Caceres gets him in full guard. Slicing elbow from Pineda and a punch.
Round 3
Caceres lands a vicious body kick that gets a big reaction from Pineda. He’s teeing off him against the fence. Pineda moves to the side and eats a jab. Low kick from Pineda. Low kick from Caceres. Right hand to the body by Caceres. Pineda shoots and Caceres defends. Jab from Caceres. Left hand gets through and an uppercut by Caceres. Huge body shot from Caceres has Pineda hurt. Pineda lands a big right. He keeps pressure high. Caceres with another punishing body kick. Pineda fires one right back. Flying knee to the body by Caceres. 1-2 from Caceres. Inside low kick by Pineda. Light head kick from Caceres. Caceres grapples and gets the back on the ground. He lands punches from the back looking to get an opening for a submission. Pineda defends well and they get back up. Left hand from Caceres. Massive right hand from Pineda drops Caceres. He lands two more heavy shots.
Official Result: Alex Caceres defeats Daniel Pineda by unanimous decision (29-28 x3).
Check out the highlights below:
Shots are hitting the target 🎯 #UFCVegas74 pic.twitter.com/b2aZqUSg6S
— UFC (@ufc) June 4, 2023
What a fight 👏@BruceLeeroyGlow with the win in our co-main! #UFCVegas74 pic.twitter.com/CXiJknT4UA
— UFC (@ufc) June 4, 2023