PFL 7: Anthony Pettis vs. Steven Ray
Round 1
Ray kicks things off with a body kick. Nice one-two from Ray. Good body kick from Pettis counters Ray’s punch. Ray keeps moving forward. Nice level change to setup a left hand to the face by Ray. Pettis is on the back foot seemingly looking to land a good counter right. Ray is showing good footwork. Pettis connects with a nice counter right hand. Good timing on the entry by Ray to go for a takedown. Ray picks Pettis up and slams him to the mat to get the takedown. Ray transitions into side control while Pettis struggles to get out. Ray gets up and lands a nice hammer fist. Ray is back in trying to setup a D’Arce choke. Pettis is trying to move his hips away but doesn’t look comfortable. Pettis rolls to the side and gets out in the final seconds of the round.
Round 2
Pettis opens with a kick to the body. Ray misses a low kick and gets hit on the way back. Huge head kick connects for Pettis. Ray eats it and shoots for a takedown. Pettis escapes and a great uppercut right hand combination lands. Ray keeps closing the distance to land a shot. Pettis with a sharp left that pops Ray’s head back. Ray goes for a takedown again here. Good body kick from Pettis but Ray continues with the pressure. Ray picks Pettis up to slam him down but Pettis escapes. Ray goes to get his back and has taken the fight to the ground. Ray looking to set up the same twister he used in the first fight. Ray has his back while Pettis avoids getting trapped in a submission. Pettis is very careful with where his feet are. Ray is trying to bait Pettis into turning. Pettis determined to not give him the opening.
Round 3
Ray opens with a right hook but misses. Nice right from Pettis lands. Quick right leg to the face connects for Pettis. Ray keeps pressing forward and eats another straight. Pettis with a body kick. Damage on Ray’s body is evident. Pettis lands a right punch followed by a kick. Ray seems to have slowed down. He goes for a takedown against the cage. Pettis gets out and gets back to the middle. Nice left from Ray. Pettis with a nice dodge. Another nice left from Ray. Pettis keeps relying on his sniper strikes on the counter. Ray shoots for a takedown and gets Pettis against the cage. Ray is looking for his back. Pettis trying hard not to get taken down and give his back. Ray is leaning his weight on Pettis which will tire him out. Nice hand control by Pettis to change position and get out when Ray backs up. Pettis kicks the leg and Ray goes down. Left hand lands for both men.
Official Result: Steven Ray defeats Anthony Pettis via unanimous decision (29-28 x3).
Check out the highlights below: