Form Voltron! In a MMA world where five robot lions which can combine to form a giant sword swinging Voltron, MMA rumors also run wild and free. After a four city, four day world media tour Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather nearly destroyed the combat universe via verbal thermonuclear fallout.
In lieu of unearthing five lion robots buried throughout the multiverse, this week we will turn to MMA rumors in order to prevent any further May-Mac World Tour damage.
As always these are rumors that have been talked about behind closed doors between MMA higher ups, so take them as MMA rumors.
Travel to planet Arus, slice up some intergalactic ro-beasts with a sword, then cool down with Earth’s one and only Sunday Morning Rumor Mill.
- For the past several months, rumors of the UFC wanting to get into the business of promoting boxing have bubbled beneath the surface. Like Invicta’s upcoming foray into the boxing world, Zuffa Boxing not so subtle roll out this week during the Mayweather-McGregor media tour, will be very regional at first. Rumor is the sweet science events will be tested on UFC Fight Pass, and if successful may help the new UFC owners shop themselves to TV networks as “more than just a MMA” sports league
- Rumor is that all parties involved believe that the Mayweather-McGregor four-city media tour was a resounding success. Internal estimate numbers have leaked and many working on the August 26th event now believe it will break all pay-per-view records, with hopes that now six million buys is now attainable
- Huge if true, but talks are now that Conor McGregor’s final paycheck for his super-fight with Floyd Mayweather will be closer to 125 million dollars
- UFC 213 early pay per view buy numbers are in and it is expected to fall below projections from within the company. The final buy number would place 213 as lowest July PPV the UFC has done in several years, with International Fight Week as a whole now expected to get a major facelift from the new UFC ownership group
If you have heard of any interesting Sunday Morning Rumor Mill MMA rumors that you would like to add, feel free to post them in the comments section below, on our Facebook page, tweet us or mail them to us in an unmarked envelope. Just remember they are rumors and not confirmed as fact, so please take them as such.