It’s the 900lb pink elephant roaming around in the living room, eating your leftover Chinese food and breaking every piece of furniture. It’s been swinging its tusk around the kitchen and breaking all of our coffee mugs on a daily basis. When you try to take a nap, the sheets are soaking wet from quarts of elephant drool that accumulated throughout the day. You guys know what we’re talking about, and the past month it’s reached a level of eighteen types of suck.
The site has been slow due to the enormous amount of traffic we’ve been receiving since we stated the network this year. It’s cool that a lot of you like to click on stuff, but it’s bad if you’re processor trapped inside a box with no knowledge of the outside world. We recognized that we’ve outgrown our current server (thanks, by the way), and now it’s time to stick MiddleEasy inside one of those things and eradicate all problems that an incredible increase of traffic brings.
Tonight we’re going to do our upgrade and the site will most likely be down at some point. It’s all for the best though. We’re going to move our server to the same company that hosts ABC, Volkswagen, Toyota, Adobe, Warner Brothers and NBC — so hopefully we’ll get a free item from each of those companies since we’re basically going to be related within twenty-four hours.
We have a lot of cool stuff planned for the rest of this week, so bear with us while we warp into the future.