We’re so happy this video of Eddie Bravo vs. Takeya Mizugaki exists

Imagine living a life where men constantly want to place their arms around you and document the process with a fist-raised photo. Massive, sweaty men acting like star-struck fanboys with the undying urge to have physical contact with you. Welcome to every moment of Eddie Bravo’s life. It’s tough to be a mildly attractive guy with flowing locks of hair and a daily need to partake in herbal sacrament. Last year, I found myself standing next to Joe Rogan, talking about the ‘dancers’ Eddie Bravo hired to serve as a backdrop to his band. This was at The Viper Room in West Hollywood last year, and after the show, we managed to get this incredible video of an uncensored Joe Rogan that hardly anyone viewed.

10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu in Hollywood is about a 5 minute walk from my place and I’ve yet to smell any leafy substance emanating from Legends Gym. In an interview with High Times magazine, Bravo actually credited marijuana for improving his jiu-jitsu game. In fact, he says the 10th Planet style of jiu-jitsu was inspired by herb — which may increase your understanding of this clip in which Eddie Bravo places an astronomically difficult rubber guard on UFC’s Takeya Mizugaki. Props to Christopher D. Craig for the illustration. [Source]

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Published on December 21, 2011 at 7:24 pm
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