We know Jimy Hettes is your new favorite fighter, so watch our quick interview with him

As our buds over at MMAOutlet said, Jimy Hettes looks like a guy that created Facebook. I’m thinking more along the lines of Jimy Hettes looks like an extra member of MGMT. In reality, Jimy Hettes looks like a guy that completely devoured Nam Phan at UFC 141 and pulled off an inhuman 30-25 decision. Hettes pretty much defined what a 10-8 round truly was — and it was violent. Relentlessly violent. The violence you can only see replicated on Killer Instinct when some dude pulls off a 80-hit combo and the only thing you can do is helplessly watch.

We caught up with Hettes after his fight with Nam Phan to see how it feels to have a successful UFC debut and improve to a 10-0 record. In our lifetime, we will never truly know how that feels — so that’s why we made this brief interview for all of you to watch.

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Published on January 2, 2012 at 4:33 am
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