If you haven’t checked out Mike Swick’s Youtube channel, you probably should. It’s full of random gross, daring, strange and amusing things he likes to do and put on video for our viewing pleasure. That is right up our alley here at Middleeasy.com, so when we see it we just have to share it with you. Check out this video of Mike Swick and his friend getting shot by cops in Thailand with a high-powered air gun. It sure does look like it hurts. I’ve never been shot with an airgun before but I have been tasered, and it doesn’t feel pleasurable. I got tasered by a guy at a party once, I guess he thought it would be a great way to hit on me. He was wrong, I couldn’t drink the rest of the night because my arm was like a wet noodle and I’d randomly get a spastic twitch in it over the next 24 hours that would send anything I held in my hand flying through the air. Huge party foul there un-smart taser guy. Incapacitating a girl’s arms is not really a good way to get lucky, and from the looks of this video, you probably shouldn’t try shooting chicks with airguns either, just saying.