When we made our Top Ten Wildest MMA Entrances list, Jason ‘Mayhem’ Miller was the only guy to tell us he should have been ranked much higher. Despite coming in 5th place, he sent us a message with a video and told us to ‘watch this one’. It was the same video we placed on our Top Ten list. He then followed up by stating ‘Chinese FOB massage places are the best. I knew this one place was legit because the sign said “lefrexology.’ I would love to get an Oldsmobile, shrink it down with that laser they used in Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and drive into Mayhem’s brain to see how it operates.
The fact that we’re about to see James Toney inside the octagon tomorrow should be enough to make your head implode regardless of time or location. Watch Mayhem Miller breakdown UFC 118 on the Attack of the Show alongside a chick that my neighbor considered to be ‘annoying’. [Source]