Sometimes you have to specify that MMA will be live and not undead. The last thing you need is a crew of zombies trying to get each other in rear naked chokes. I take that back. That’s the first thing we need. Zombie against zombie action in a cage just may be the rawest thing anyone would ever witness on this earth. I can’t think of anything rawer than zombies cagefighting. If you can, let me know.
Tonight, we won’t have any legion of the undead fighting for supremacy of the afterlife. We will, however, be granted to watch American Steel Cagefighting streamed live from…New Hampshire. Sometimes you forget New Hampshire is still a state (and if you don’t, you’re more highly evolved than me) until they throw on 10 bouts of free MMA action and then you snap your fingers and say ‘Oh, I remember you from 3rd grade Geography.
So if you’re still bummed out about the Affliction Trilogy cancellation and still want your MMA this week, go to ASC’s website and sign up to watch the fight tonight (It’s free!). No excuses people. That chick that told you she was going to hang out with you this weekend…she’s not. Hate to break it to you.
Watch American Steel Cagefighting streaming LIVE tonight at 8pm eastern!