The World’s Strongest Man is evolving. In MMA, it’s a game of adapt or perish. Mariusz Pudzianowski is the 40-year-old super-heavyweight fish who washed ashore to grow legs.
Before his KSW 40 main event on October 22nd versus former UFC heavyweight James McSweeney, Pudzianowski is adding wrinkles to his ham fisted striking game; and it’s beautiful. The muscle bound Pudzianowski is now an OG MMA freak show attraction but at least he’s making vague attempts to improve himself.
Let’s watch this very important video of Mariusz Pudzianowski employing the movement principles of Conor McGregor. Touch butt in the drive-way is the new touch butt in the park.
H/T to leading MMA pool noodle expert @AlanMurphyMMA for the find