I know we’ve said this before in jest but seriously, UFC step your game up. Rizin is out here flying drones dangerously close to fighter’s heads all in the name of production values. Rizin 10 was the first time we’ve seen airborne drone MMA cameramen and we’re hooked.
This is the future and we can thank Rizin for it. When was the last time the UFC did something innovate with their presentation?
We’ll wait and update the post if we hear any good ideas.
For now, lets watch Rizin fly drones over fighters throwing haymakers. Who will be the first Rizin fighter to accidentally strike a drone?
Check out this drone Rizin uses to get footage for the event! pic.twitter.com/oN2tsonXHE
— Enson Inoue (@ensoninoue) May 6, 2018
And the classic ref cam from Pride
Is ref cam awesome? Damn skippy. #RIZINFF #RIZIN2018 #RIZIN10 pic.twitter.com/bTBkckPbUq
— Kyle Johnson (@Maldobabo) May 6, 2018