Cody Grabrandt has maintained his status as the most whipped fighter in mixed martial arts.
Nearly every interaction between Cody and his wife Danny Pimsanguan comes off a cringe-worthy. At this point, I feel bad for the guy. He’s like your buddy who is so excited to have an attractive girl into him that he doesn’t realize how horrible she is.
So, let’s watch him make the tragic mistake of tattooing his wife’s face onto his body.
Damn, not only did she demand she get tatted onto his body, but she also had to be wearing a tiger skin on her head too?
I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that she had to approve every step of this tattoo process. Picked the artist, asked for the tiger head, selected the location, everything.
The boys at Team Alpha Male need to do their buddy a solid and tell him some hard truths.