It’s time for the main event of the evening, Kamaru Usman takes on Jorge Masvidal and puts his welterweight belt on the line.
Round 1
Masvidal starts with a few low kicks. Usman catches one of his kicks and takes him down. Usman lands a good elbow. Usman passes the guard and gets to the neck but Masvidal gets back up. Usman attacks the body. Nice knee from Masvidal but Usman lands a low kick. Usman gets a clinch against the cage and gets Masvidal down but he gets back up. Stomp kicks from Usman, he then eats the body and punches Masvidal in the clinch. Masvidal breaks away and lands a right hand. Usman lands a right hand. Masvidal stays against the fence and Usman gets a clinch, he then attacks the body.
10-9 Usman
Round 2
Masvidal opens up with a leg kick and a middle kick. Usman catches a leg but Masvidal gets away. Usman maintains a clinch against the fence and Masvidal fights the grip. Usman stomp Masvidal’s feet and lands to the body. Usman leans into Masvidal and lands to the body again. Nice right hand from Usman. Shoulder strikes from Usman who then attacks the body, he’s wearing Masvidal down against the fence. Great clinch work from Usman who stays active. Nice left-hand lands from Usman outside of the clinch. Masvidal lands a right hand but Usman answers to the body.
10-9 Usman
Round 3
Usman takes the center of the cage and pressures Masvidal right away. Usman lands an elbow and gets into a clinch against the fence. Usman stomps the feet of Masvidal once again and lands to the body. Usman lands a right hand and Masvidal lands a body kick. The fight briefly gets stopped for a low blow by Usman. Masvidal starts the action with a few leg kicks. Nice entry into the takedown from Usman. Masvidal is back up but Usman takes him right back down. Usman is into side control. Masvidal tries to get up but Usman stays on top and lands a big elbow. Big elbows land for Usman as the round ends.
10-9 Usman
Round 4
Usman goes to the body early and pushes Masvidal against the fence. Usman keeps working to the body in the clinch. Masvidal lands a knee but can’t get free. Usman gets the takedown but Masvidal is back up. Usman takes the back in the standing position. Usman loses the position but maintains the clinch. Big left hand from Usman, Masvidal lands a few big punches and breaks away. Usman feints the takedown and lands a big right hand. Another big right hand lands for Usman who then engages yet another clinch. Big elbow lands for Usman as the round ends.
10-9 Usman
Round 5
The fighters seem to have slown down a bit. Usman goes to the body and gets a nice takedown. Usman maintains the top position and lands an elbow. Masvidal is tying up the arms and controlling the position with his guard. Usman transitions to side control and lands some ground and pound. Usman gets the mount but Masvidal escapes the position. Usman has Masvidal in a headlock and keeps him down. Masvidal gets back to his feet but stays against the fence. Masvidal breaks free towards the end and chases the finish. End of the fight.
10-9 Usman
Official results: 50-45, 50-45 and 49-46 for Kamaru Usman who wins via unanimous decision and remains the undisputed UFC welterweight champion.
Check the highlights below: