There’s a tape of Alistair speaking in Dutch. The English subtitles read ‘It’s like this. No matter how tough you are, knees on your head from me you cannot swallow‘. We think a lot got lost in translation, but we do know this…dude has hydrogen bombs for knees. Getting trapped in Ubereem’s muay-thai clinch must be what the universe felt shortly before the big bang created it.
Fujita just felt every square inch of that force with only one knee at Dynamite!! 2009 this morning.
People, as I write this I’m not even sure if Fujita is alive. After Ubereem landed that knee, Fujita’s body collapsed and his eyelids were plastered wide open. The doctor tried to force him to blink but he just laid there in a blank stare. They eventually got enough people to lift his body off the mat and onto a stretcher. From what I just saw, Fujita did not move.
If anyone has any information on the condition of Fujita please comment on this article. This is scary stuff people.