Donald Trump and the UFC, what could possibly go wrong? We know the trailer for “‘Combatant in Chief’: The Story of Donald Trump’s History in Combat Sports” is supposed to be 100% serious but come on UFC? Have just an ounce of self respect when it comes to President Trump.
The UFC can choose to do whatever they want with Fight Pass and the short films they produce for the platform. Let’s just get that out of the way. But Holy Hell what is going on in this trailer for this new film?
There’s being heavy handed with your message, then there is whatever the UFC is doing here with Donald Trump. We’ve watched the trailer several times and can’t get over how much ass kissing is going on here. At least be subtle about propping up Trump as this great figure in combat sports.
The connection between the UFC and Trump is already wet paper thin but this 30 second trailer promoting Combatant in Chief (LOL that title by the way) is just too on the nose. This is going to be an entire film trying to fit the UFC’s square peg into President Trump’s round hole isn’t it?
The UFC really, really, really wants you to know Dana White and Trump are home boys and it just beats you over the head with it.
No matter your political beliefs, religious views, gender, nationality or sexual orientation, let’s all come together, hold hands, look each other right in the eyes and agree this is a very bad movie trailer.
Stop kissing ass UFC, this isn’t as real as it gets.
2 thoughts on “New trailer for UFC-Donald Trump film is a full on ass kissing”
Are you really surprised? Let’s not be so naive.
Can I just say on behalf of all beta cuck faggots that i’m totally triggered?