After fighting a hard five round war with Colleen Schneider and having quality time with her bucket, all Tonya Evinger wanted to do was have a hashtag “moment of the year”. Disappointed with her performance even in victory, Evinger reached for support in interviewer Laura Sanko’s lips. The two laughed it off as commentators seemed at a loss for words. Little did she know though, the world would literally explode after this kiss heard ’round the world.
Some thought it was hilarious, some felt it was harassment or a form of assault, others simply saw it as a thing that happened. This split the Earth into battling tribes that would rip the internet apart and eventually could lead to the collapse of our civilization as know it, if the madness wasn’t stopped. Waking up today, it almost seemed possible that we’d have to send Wolverine into the past to try and change the course of events. Luckily, Evinger herself made a statement.
“So to all my haters out there stirring the pot over my attempt to win “moment of the yr”, take a chill pill and relax. Me and laura are friends and not everyone is as fragile flowers as you guys, some ppl have a sense of humor. Thx again @laura_sanko for bn such a good sport and helping me win this time around..#momentoftheyear #voteforme” – Tonya Evinger
@laura_sanko @tonyaevinger @InvictaFights man, why didnt I think of that?!
— Angela Hill (@AngieOverkill) May 8, 2016
Well, Evinger definetly got people talking! Even new Invicta Strawweight champ Angela Hill regretted not doing it first. Re-live the possible “moment of the yr” in full below and wish you had thought of kissing Laura Sanko.
— Jessica Hudnall (@LegKickTKO) May 8, 2016