I’m not sure if the term ‘Neo-Hippie’ has been created, but if it hasn’t, I’m sticking the MiddleEasy flag in that portion of the English language. I would like to dedicate this new word to all of the readers of MiddleEasy, especially minotauro and his superfluous collection of animated gifs. This new word also goes out to all of the people who have tirelessly corrected the typos on each article and then chastise me for it at a later point in time.
Buried deep within Tom Lawlor’s multi-layered personality is a ‘Neo-Hippie’. It’s right in-between the layers where he dresses up like a Carebear and his need to celebrate MLK day in Boston. On the Underground today, Tom Lawlor slapped everyone with an update that he is living in Cuba in order to touch up on his boxing.
Hi everyone, I´d like to let everyone know that I am indeed in Cuba, training in Boxing with one of the best trainers around. For those of you that have heard horror stories about the country let me put some of those at rest.
1. there is food to be eaten, but it is not good
2. the people are nice, albeit some try to hustle you for shirts and soap
3. there are many things to do, and not everyone wishes to leaveWe have taken many videos, some of training, some of extracurricular activities like rock climbing while smoking a cigar, scuba diving, and the best so far……drinking milk straight from the cow´s teet. I even got Master Marcos Avellan to join in on it as well!
Be sure to stay tuned for more in a few days or weeks. I would upload some of the awesome pictures that have been taken so far, but the connection here is as bad as the pizza that restaurants serve so it will have to wait another day.
I tried to make Cuban food in San Antonio and unintentionally lit a pan on fire. By the end of the night, I was hooking up with a Russian chick. That story is 100% true. My friend Eric can verify it. If you don’t believe I have a friend named Eric, I’ll provide you with his phone number but only if you promise to call him. [Source]