If you look to the left of this page, you’ll notice that Michihiro Omigawa has earned the #4 spot on our ‘Frate Trane’ list. If we were to go into the quantifiable elements that earn someone a place on that list, it would look like the eclectic collection of condiments in my refrigerator and what I felt like spreading on my crackers that day. Gauging frate-tranery is too raw for tangibles, sometimes an arbitrary list on the side of an MMA blog isn’t going to make sense to everyone, and we’re OK with that. It’s our list, and if you don’t like it, all we can offer you is a hug from Cat Von C.
After declaring himself a ‘new legend’, it’s hard to deny Michihiro Omigawa’s rawesomeness, and this video of him training for his February 5th UFC debut against Chad Mendez will do nothing to disprove his self-appointed legend status. [Source]