This Viacheslav Datsik story continues to get sillier

My god this Datsik story. Yesterday, we showed you Datsik’s video of his failed immigration attempt in which he tried to speak an ‘insane’ mixture of Norwegian and Russian only to fork over a loaded gun to officials just moments later. We also mentioned that Datsik was transferred to the ‘organized crime unit’ due to his alleged ties to the Neo-Nazi organization known as ‘Vigrid’.

The latest news being reported by the Norwegian newspaper ‘The Dagbladet‘ states that a SWAT-type police unit had known about Datsik’s activities and kept him under constant surveillance for sometime, but it seemed like they too were in awe at Viacheslav Datsik’s erratic behavior. The term ‘erratic’ may be cutting Datsik a little short in his level of craziness. For that, we apologize. I think CagePotato said it best with the term: “[Expletive] Crazy Neo-Nazi MMA Fighter”.

At around 2pm on Wednesday afternoon, Datsik’s tattoo shop was raided and police discovered a surplus of illegal weapons and Nazi paraphernalia including a large doll dressed up as a Nazi near the front entrance of the shop.

The newspaper interviewed residents near the tattoo shop who claimed they ‘often heard loud noise, screaming and banging’. The neighbors also stated they would occasionally see the occupants of the tattoo shop ‘practicing fighting and boxing while completely naked‘.

According to Norway’s leading newspaper, ‘VG Nett‘ (translated by MiddleEasy reader Erik C), Viacheslav Datsik entered court today with Neo-Nazi regalia and asked the judge to make his trial hearing ‘open to the public’.

“MMA-practitioner “Red Tarzan” Vyacheslav Datsik appeared in court today greeting the judge with a Nazi salute. After the salute, he shook the judge’s hand and bowed in front of him. Appearing in court with a black t-shirt with Nazi symbols, he allowed the press to take photos of him. Even though both the media and Datsik made claims that the trial should be open to the public, the judge still chose to close the door from the media. Police attorney from the sector of “Organized Crime”, Kathrine Tonstad, said that there was still a lot of information surrounding the case that had not yet reached the public and that it would be in the best interest of the investigation to close the court doors from the media today.”

This initial trial will be to determine if Datsik should be kept under custody while the investigation continues prior to the actual trial. There’s a legal name for it, I’m sure you law students know what it is.

So there you have it. The latest chapter in the ‘Datsik Saga’ continues. Confiscated weapons, illegal immigration, dolls dressed like Nazis and naked MMA practice. Yep, it all makes sense. Big thanks to Erik C, Petter J and Chrisensen for the tip. [Source]

Published on September 23, 2010 at 6:25 pm
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