It’s always nutty the concept of MMA fighters exerting an abnormal amount of energy after they’ve just earned a win. It’s also as if they fight at around a 90% threshold just to use the last remaining 10% to do some half-assed back flip or run around the cage like someone stole their 1996 Marvel Hologram Silver Surfer card.
Mayhem Miller said half of winning a fight was in the walk-out, but he obviously failed to mention that a small percentage of it comes from winning your post-fight celebration — after you’ve actually won. Fortunately James Walker from Full Contact Fighting 6 was well aware of this concept, although we have to admit that he failed horribly at it.
If you ever wanted to know how not to celebrate after a win, then watch this video straight from the UK of James Walker vs. Shaun Hampton at Full Contact Contender 6.
Go to the 6:30 mark for the goods.