Amazing Victory Of Thiago Santos Over Eryk Anders After A Brutal Barrage Of Elbows And Punches!
We are live from Ibirapuera Gymnasium in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where Thiago Santos fights Eryk Anders at the main event of UFC Fight Night 137. It is expected to be a great Light Heavyweight showdown.
Round 1
Santos tries a takedown but Anders counters it with a good low kick. Good hip toss by Santos but Anders remains attached to him. Short elbow, Anders tries for a single leg and a good transition to a body lock. Good knee and the fighters separate from each other.
Body kicks from Santos. Good straight left. Santos tries for a high kick but misses. Knee to the body by Santos but Anders contracts his body and pushes him against the fence. Anders scores a takedown but Santos tries to stand up. Fighters up again and Thiago Santos misses with a wheel kick. Good low kick. A round for Thiago Santos.
Round 2
Good body kick from Santos. Anders shoots in but Santos defends like a pro and attacks him with punches. Anders can’t get up on his feet. Santos lands a knee on the way up and returns with a great right hand. Awesome body kick from Santos.
Santos tries an overhand left but Anders returns with a body kick and a straight left. Good elbow and body kick from Santos. Excellent left hand by Santos, is Anders rocked?
Eye Gauge!
Anders got a finger in the eye. The referee steps in. Anders takes Santos down. Knee to the body, probably round for Thiago Santos.
Round 3
Santos goes with a great oblique kick and lands low kicks. Anders defuses body kick with a stunning left hand. Good takedown on the fence. Anders attacks to the back with both hooks in. Anders tries the choke but Santos defends well.
Fighters separate and good strikes by Santos. Anders ducks away from the spinning back elbow. Good punches by Santos. Anders takes him back to the fence but a good knee from Santos to increase the distance.
Half guard for Anders. Santos trying to move up. Excellent elbows from Santos! Anders continuing to drive, this looks interesting.
The referee pauses the fight, Anders lost his mouthpiece for a second.
Big Trouble For Anders!
Excellent elbows by Santos. Anders has no chance of standing up. He doesn’t return at all and the fight is over! Anders couldn’t walk to his corner and the referee had no choice but to stop the match!
Check out the action below:
This. Was. War.
— FOX Sports: UFC (@UFCONFOX) September 23, 2018
Final Result: Thiago Santos defeats Eryk Anders via TKO (punches and elbows)
Thiago Santos improves his score to 19-6 MMA, 11-5 UFC; Eryk Anders drops to 11-2 MMA, 3-2 UFC.