It’s my responsibility to make this abundantly clear. MiddleEasy doesn’t publish fake or false stories, ever. In fact, we pride ourselves on the integrity of our work. We have a weekly feature called the Sunday Morning Rumor Mill in which we post rumors that are floating around the MMA world. I’m not sure how clear I can make that, but apparently people have been copying these rumors and pasting them as fact on a variety of forums and attributing them to To those that have done this, I hope your reproductive organs implode from within your body and that you will never be able to reproduce more stupidity into this universe. If you’re going to post one of these rumors on a forum, place ‘Rumor’ in the title. Otherwise, gets a bad reputation which will probably result in this feature getting cut from the site permanently. My god you 10ers, ruining it for everyone…
- Andre Gavalo auditioned for The Ultimate Fighter Season 13, and was either cut on the show or didn’t make it past the secondary screening process.
- Roy Nelson allegedly turned down a fight with Shane Carwin, despite his statement in a recent interview that he wishes to take on all the UFC heavyweights.
- Shinya Aoki will be taking an extended ‘vacation’ in the US to train with an MMA camp in the southwest.
- According a recent interview, Krazy Horse claims that the infamous Chute Box backstage fight video is heavily edited and that somewhere in Japan there exists a copy that shows him knocking out Wanderlei Silva.
- Neil ‘The Goliath’ Grove will replace Jimmy Smith in the Bellator commentating chair.
- If you guys liked the UFC/Army cross promotion, expect it to continue in the future with a new marketing campaign.
- A company called ‘FreshBalls’ was prohibited from sponsoring a fighter in the upcoming UFC: Fight for the Troops show. It’s the same company that has advertised on Howard Stern in the past.
- After his Dynamite!! 2010 debacle, I was told that Bob Sapp has quietly retired from combat sports and will focus on his movie career and Japanese professional wrestling.
- Following AlienWare’s lead, HP is looking to get into the MMA fighter sponsoring business.