The New MiddleEasy is here, now tell us what you think about it

After weeks planning, sketching, passing out on my desk only to be awakened by a crew of roaches to let me know that my apartment is now officially ‘part of their turf’ (direct quote, obviously), the new is here, and it’s the third incarnation we’ve had in the site’s history. We needed to hand Genki Sudo back his car keys and leave the 4th dimension to ascend to a higher dimensional level, complete with complimentary peanuts and pretzels as we made our brief journey. The air up here is nice, taxes are a little bit more higher than the 4th dimension, but with Conan the Barbarian playing on every cinema screen every Friday, you can’t beat it.

Now here’s your chance to let us know how much you hate (or hopefully love) the new Tell us what you want to see and we’ll try to make your dreams come true (we always do, guys). If want the old-school layout of the previous incarnation of MiddleEasy, just click on ‘Daily Blog‘ from the main-page menu and you will get the familiar blog format that you’re been used to over the years. Oh, and look at that chick on the left in the picture above. Her name is Jessie Imamoto and I stood her up at the Long Beach Fight Nights in California just to redesign. Now that’s dedication (or perhaps sheer stupidity). Props to Miss RaRa for coming through this weekend, even though I couldn’t.

Published on January 3, 2011 at 10:00 pm
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