The entire Bellator 50 summed up in this 3:44 video

Bellator 50, a show that I unfortunately did not catch live, but was told wonderful things about it. Brian Rogers, Alexander Shelemenko, Bryan Baker and Brett Cooper all grabbed wins and all four of those guys read MiddleEasy. Statistically I can come to the ridiculous conclusion that reading MiddleEasy will increase your chance of advancing in your MMA career. Now that Bellator has reached its fiftieth show, if things continue to progress the way they are it would be interesting if Bellator can reach ‘200’ before UFC.

Originally, Ben Goldstein of CagePotato and I were going to collaborate on a point/counterpoint piece focused solely on how Bellator could improve on small aspects of their organization to increase its vitality in the MMA industry. We were then going to compile the info in a report and sell it to Bjorn Rebney for an absurd amount of money. It’s been months and neither of us have acted on it. Coincidentally, we’ve been inspired to engage in other activities like — completing last season’s Project Runway. At least that’s what I’m doing. For all I know, Ben could be wrist deep in a bag of Twizzlers. We stay may create this ‘Super Bellator article,’ but in the meantime run away from your troubles and watch this Bellator 50 recap video. Also, the banner says the video is 3:44 but the video is actually 3:43. At some point, I lost a second — and I’m trying to find it. If you have any info where this second is, feel free to send me an email. [Source]

Published on September 19, 2011 at 4:07 am
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