When CNN interviewed the victims of Hurricane Katrina they always said ‘I could have been dead…or even worse’. That even worse they’re talking about is being a victim of Dana White’s verbal wrath. You guys remember how Dana White verbally gouged Loretta White right in the eyes with that one vlog calling her…everything. Dana White later publicly said that he meant everything he said but he wanted to apologize for the homosexual slurs as they had nothing to do with Loretta Hunt’s journalistic integrity. Now it looks like Jake Rossen is the next in his path of pure rawesome destruction. In Dana’s most recent UFC 108, the camera captures him arguing on the phone with someone regarding an article Sherdog published. WatchKalibRun transcribed the conversation and here is the beef:
“…[inaudible] arguing with me about how big MMA will be over the next ten years. Like I give a f***what Jake Rossen thinks. What has this guy ever done to move the sport of MMA forward– okay? First of all, first of all we’ve done- – we’ve made this thing grow despite all the d**ks that write on Sherdog, okay? Number one. And, and– but his f***ing input about business and he also says the UAE[United Arab Emirates] is f***ing– uh, has big financial trouble. They are worth a trillion f***ing dollars! This guys is a f***ing ass bag, okay?”
Person on phone says something
“So, instead of, wait, instead of, instead of promoting the fight this weekend– instead of promoting the fight this weekend, this guy is f***ing arguing with me about how big MMA is going to be in the next ten years and why it wont be as big as I say it is. Are you mother f***ers into Mixed Martial Arts!?
Person on phone responds
“That’s what he does? Then what the f*** do you employ this guy for? He argues about how big the sport will be, that’s what he does? What a f***ing douchebag!”
Person on phone responds
“You know there’s a fight this Saturday, right? There’s not, there’s not one stitch of f***ing anything covering the fight. Uh– who will be the next big fighters in the next ten years, uh– they got some big dude with a big fucking afro, uh– wrestling, you know?”
Call ends Dana White addresses the camera
“So basically, what he just tells me is Jake Rossen, what he likes to do is, he likes to write bullshit stories smashing MMA and MMA writers so you the fans will go on there and talk about him for a long time. Typical f***ing bullshit reporter.
Jake Rossen, Go f*** yourself!”
Wow. Props for the person on the other line for not hanging up. I suggest you watch the entire video before Dana White decides that his chain of thought is entirely too raw for Youtube. [Source]