If by any case you find yourself jamming out to something on your iPod later today, keep in mind that regardless of whatever tune your head is bopping to, Georges St. Pierre has more riddum than it. The Riddum Collector, in a constant pursuit of capturing riddums on the sole basis that you simply cannot handle it. If riddum was a quantifiable substance that could be extracted and bottled into a plastic container, it would be the only competition ‘Rawesomeade’ would have. Mircea Eliade once said that throughout the span of a person’s life, he/she is constantly confronted with the ‘Yes’, but we constantly deny this and instead, opt to refuse it. According to Eliade, we only accept the ‘Yes’ in death. That same statement can be made in regards to Georges St. Pierre. We are always presented with the question of ‘Can we handle the riddum’ and the answer is always ‘Absolutely not’, even in death. It’s silly to even question it, but on January 25, 2002 someone thought they had the proper facilities to accept the riddum into their life — and they were wrong.
Now that we’re on the precipitous of UFC 129, check out Georges St. Pierre’s very first MMA bout against Ivan Menjivar at UCC 7: Bad Boyz.